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台湾梯子 was really an amazing experience. I’m co-founder and co-organizer of the conference, along with Ori Inbar, so it has meant a lot to me to see our event grow over the last four years, and thrilling to make such a big splash this year. There were 1,163 attendees, and the expo show cased an ecosystem of emerging technologies – augmented reality, gesture interaction, eyewear, wearables, and connected hardware of many stripes, that mark the beginning of natural computing entering the mainstream. It was a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with what it feels like to be an augmented human in an augmented world!
Videos of AWE 2013′s 35 hours of educational sessions and inspirational keynotes are now available on 香港节点梯子. I am sharing my own talk (my slides are also up on slideshare here), and a few of my favorites in this post, but there are far to many to post here, so please browse further on the Augmented World Expo youtube channel.
One notable high point of AWE2013, for me, was the showcase sponsored by Meta, a startup developing the first device allowing visualization and interaction with 3D virtual objects in the real world using your hands. It was made possible by the generous contribution from the private collections of Paul Travers, Dan Cui, Steven Feiner, Steve Mann, and Chris Grayson, and passionate volunteers who are helping advance the industry. Sean Hollister of The Verge did this excellent report on the eyewear showcase 35 years of wearable computing history at Augmented World Expo 2013
Also for more on Meta see this article by Dan Farber.
My colleagues at Syntertainment, Will Wright, Avi Bar-Zeev, Jason Shankel, and LaurenElliott all gave great talks. Ironically, we’re not building augmented reality apps or H/W. We all just happen to continue to be very interested in the field.
Thank you to everyone for supporting the event!
The press coverage was truly extensive:
In the shadow of Google Glass, an augmented reality industry revs its engines
The Verge, Sean Hollister, June 9, 2013, 271 Tweets
The next big thing in tech: Augmented reality
CNET, Dan Farber, June 7, 2013
Pick up on Current News Daily
350 Tweets
AWE 2013 Conference Report: Augmented Reality and Marketing
The Persuaders Marketing Podcast on Dublin City FM, June 23, 2013
AR Dirt Podcast – Ori Inbar AWE2013 Extravaganza Recap
AR Dirt by Joseph Rampolla, June 18, 2013
35 years of wearable computing history at Augmented World Expo 2013
The Verge, Sean Hollister, June 9, 2013
Augmented Reality: Bruce Sterling, keynote at Augmented World Expo 2013
Wired, Bruce Sterling, June 9, 2013
9 Tweets
On the road for VR: Augmented World Expo 2013
Doc-Ok, Staff, June 7, 2013
My Interview from Augmented World Expo 2013 [VIDEO], Brian Wassom, June 7, 2013
Augmented World Expo
ZenFri, Staff, June 7, 2013
AWE2013: Hardware for an augmented world, Felipe Neves Dos Santos, June 6, 2013
Augmented Reality Will Be the New Reality
InvestorPlace, Brad Moon, June 6, 2013
Wearable computing pioneer Steve Mann: Who watches the watchmen?
TechHive, Armando Rodriguez, June 6, 2013
Expo puts augmented reality in the limelight
ABC 7 News, Jonathan Bloom, June 5, 2013
These OLED microdisplays are the future of augmented reality
DVICE, Evan Ackerman, June 5, 2013
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Engadget, Michael Gorman, June 5, 2013
Wikitude announces Wikitude Studio and in-house developed IR & Tracking engine
PapiTV, KC Leung, June 5, 2013
Augmented reality expo aims for sci-fi future today
USA Today, Marco della Cava, June 5, 2013
Augmented Reality: High Dynamic Range (HDR) Video Image Processing For Digital Glass
Wired, Bruce Sterling, June 5, 2013
Will Wright at Augmented Reality Conference: Don’t Augment Reality, Decimate It
AllThingsD, Eric Johnson, June 4, 2013
Philip Rosedale’s Second Life with High Fidelity
CNET, Dan Farber, June 4, 2013
Google Glass competitors vie for attention as industry grows
PC World, Zack Miners for IDG News Service, June 4, 2013
4D Augmented Reality Leader Daqri Announces $15 Million Financing
Press Release, June 4, 2013
CrowdOptic Powers Lancome Virtual Gallery App, Crowd-powered Heat Map
TechZone 360, Peter Bernstein, June 3, 2013
Augmented humans, enhanced happiness?
Crave Culture, Angelica Weihs, June 2, 2013
Metaio & Vuzix to Showcase AR-Ready Smart Glasses at the 2013 Augmented World Expo
Press Release, May 30, 2013
Four ways augmented reality will invade your life in 2013
Quartz, Rachel Feltman, May 30, 2013
Augmented Reality: Augmented World Expo™ is next week
Wired, Bruce Sterling, May 28, 2013
除了搬瓦工还有什么便宜好用的 VPS 推荐? - 便宜VPS网:2021-6-15 · 除了搬瓦工还有什么便宜又好用的 VPS 推荐吗?写这篇文章,主要是最近搬瓦工涨价太厉害了,先后取消了 $19.99/年的 KVM 10G 方案,缺货了 $29.99/年的 CN2 10G 方案,下架了 $39.99/年的 CN2 GIA LIMITED 方案,今天又再次缺货了 $49.99/年的
Press Release, May 24, 2013
Local Community College Student Headed to Silicon Valley to Learn More about Augmented Reality
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Staff, May 24, 2013
Explore an intricate labyrinth with smartphone AR
CNET Australia, Michelle Starr, May 21, 2013
Dartmouth firm lands super app
Herald Business, Remo Zaccagna, May 21, 2013
Augmented World Expo 2013–The Future of Augmented Reality
Silicon Angle, Saroj Kar, May 17, 2013
Sun, Mar 10, 2013
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We had so much fun at the YCombinator Upverter Hackathon. I was honored to be part of “the beatles” team (Sam Cuttriss, Josh Cardenas, Jason Appelbaum, Lauren Elliott, Tish Shute, Otto Leichliter III & IV) that produced the prize winning IoToaster. Rick Merritt did an awesome write up in EE Times, 「香港-城市合伣人招聘」_梯子教育招聘-BOSS直聘:2021-5-18 · 梯子教育香港-城市合伣人招聘,薪资:50-80K,地点:香港,要求:经验不限,学历:大专,福利:五险一金、年终奖、带薪年假、节日福利、住房补贴、节日福利、定期团建、项目奖金,招聘者刚刚在线,随时随地直接开聊。. If you want to hear more about hardware startups shaping play with connected stuff, I hope you will stop by, Parsing Reality: Shaping Play with Connected Stuff, Tuesday March 12th, 12.30pm -1.30pm, Raddison Town Lake Ballroom, Austin, SXSW 2013. I’m delighted to join, Adam Wilson Founder, Chief Software Architect Orbotix, Dave Bisceglia Co-Founder & CEO The Tap Lab, Phu Nguyen Founder Romotive Inc to talk about shaping play with connected stuff – more details here.
Meanwhile enjoy Rick Merritt’s great write up of IoToaster (reprinted from EE Times).
“An Internet Toaster, two pair of faux Google glasses and two novel electronic gloves emerged from a hackathon organized by Upverter and hosted by Y Combinator. SAN JOSE, Calif. – Imagine sending an Instagram to your Internet toaster and printing it—on whole wheat or white bread. Imagine creating your own vision for a variant of Google’s Project Glass.
Those were among the 32 projects from more than 130 designers at a recent all-day event organized by and hosted by Y Combinator, a startup incubator in Mountain View, Calif.
Winners took home iPads, Pebble watches, Arduino kits and Raspberry Pi boards after dedicating about 10 hours of their Saturday to hacking on their best ideas. Some took with them hopes of products that could make it to the market or new-formed teams that could be the heart of a new startup. Others just had a good time.
Here’s a look at some of the winners.
Two teams worked on variants of Google’s $1,500 glasses-mounted computer. One team (above) used laser-cut medium-density fibreboard and embedded LEDs that could indicate when the wearer faced north. Another team (below) created Prism, a more thorough knock-off of Google’s concept complete with an embedded display and gesture recognition.
Printing on whole wheat or white
The IO Toaster (above) is sort of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of social electronics. It’s an Internet-connected combo toaster/printer that creators say can “bring the cloud to your breakfast.”
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搭梯子用廉价VPS指南 - Leanote:2021-8-14 · 搭梯子用廉价VPS指南 2021-08-14 16:50:54 6066 0 0 wuvin 上一篇: Stage5 下一篇: 我的OI 0 赞 6066 人读过 新浪微博 微信 腾讯微博 QQ空间 人人网 提交评论 立即登录, 发表评论. 没有帐号? 立即注 …
根据自己的翻||墙经历顺带给大家推荐几款我用过还不错的梯子 ...:2021-3-2 · 根据我这几年的fanqiang经验,我使用过数十款付费微批恩,但现在还能在国内使用的并不多,现在我把我一直在用及过去使用体验不错的推荐给大家(其实能推荐的并不多),由于篇幅所限,我只列出其伢缺点及价格信息,供大家参考。
The potential for the IO Toaster is great, said team members who brainstormed spin off products including:
Touch screen toaster displays
Designers of the IO Toaster created this animation to show the romantic possibilities of their product.
Grand prize was a real grabber
Meet the Tactilus team
Fitness glove has something up its sleeve
Baby gets a robo rocker
And other winners were…
At the end of the day, 30 groups took two minutes each to pitch their hack (below), some of which judges pitches in the circular file. A handful of others got various levels of recognition.
The winner in the most marketable category was the DIYNot, a plug that fits between your recharging device and the socket to turn off the two amp energy flow anytime you want. The Window Blind Controller, a clip on device that keeps streetlight out in the night and lets sunlight in during the day, got a nod from judges.
Judges also liked the Walkmen, an ultrasound virtual walking stick with haptic feedback for guiding disabled people. A team from Electric Imp got the Corporate Shill Award for a networked dispenser that spits out M&Ms in response to tweets. Another group added Wi-Fi links to home switches opening a circuit for new kinds of remote controls—and pranks.
From here to China and back
Fri, Jun 6, 2014
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